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Tyto položky jsou vyžadovány pro umožnění základní funkčnosti webových stránek.
Tyto položky se používají k poskytování reklamy, která je pro vás a vaše zájmy relevantnější. Mohou být také použity k omezení počtu zobrazení reklamy a měření účinnosti reklamních kampaní.
Tyto položky umožňují webové stránce zapamatovat si vaše volby a poskytovat vylepšené, osobnější funkce. Například, webová stránka vám může poskytnout kontakt na místního obchodního ředitele relevantního pro vaši oblast tím, že uloží údaje o vaší aktuální poloze.
Tyto položky pomáhají provozovateli webových stránek pochopit, jak si jeho webové stránky vedou, jak návštěvníci interagují s webem, a zda se mohou vyskytnout technické problémy.
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Brand Evolution: Apps Builder to Digital Product Innovation Partner

February 23, 2023
Company News

Cleevio, as a software development company, has been providing businesses with innovative solutions since its beginning. From product-based software solutions to becoming a company that focuses on building business partnerships, Cleevio has undergone a significant transformation. In this article, we will explore how Cleevio has evolved and why we believe in building business partnerships as a crucial part of our future success.

Early days

The early days of Cleevio were focused on developing and delivering product-based software solutions - mostly custom-built mobile apps. This was a common approach for many software companies at the time. However, as the company matured and the market evolved, it became clear that this approach was not sustainable, nor did we like it. The market was becoming increasingly competitive, and there was a need for new and innovative solutions that could help businesses stay ahead of the curve.


In response to this, we slowly shifted our gaze and started focusing on building business partnerships. This meant that instead of selling products, we are collaborating with other businesses to provide custom solutions. This approach enabled Cleevio to understand the needs and requirements of each customer and provide a tailored solution that met their specific needs.

Stronger relationships

Our focus on building business partnerships has resulted in the expansion of long-term relationships with our customers. This has helped us increase customer satisfaction and retention, as customers really appreciate the personalized solutions tailored to their specific needs.

"Our team is dedicated to building strong business partnerships with our customers. We understand that every business is unique, and that is the reason why we work so closely with our partners. Our focus on collaboration and partnership has allowed us to remain at the forefront of innovation and provide the latest and most advanced solutions. Together, our team and our partners are driving success in the industry." - David Bezděka, CEO @Cleevio

New business partnerships

Our focus on business partnerships has allowed us to expand our reach and customer base, as it continues to help us work with a growing number of businesses to provide bespoke solutions. By working with others, we increased our visibility with partnerships and reached a wider audience.


Another advantage of building business partnerships is that it has allowed us to become more flexible. By working with other businesses, Cleevio has been able to develop new products and services that are better suited to the needs of its customers. This has allowed us to remain at the forefront of innovation and provide our customers with the latest and most advanced solutions.

We see our evolution from a product company to a company building business partnerships as a step forward. By focusing on building strong relationships with our customers, we increased customer satisfaction and retention and expanded our reach and customer base.

We believe that our approach to business partnerships is a great example of how companies can evolve and adapt to changing market conditions.

If you are interested in learning how business innovations can help your business, do not hesitate to get in touch.

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