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Tyto položky jsou vyžadovány pro umožnění základní funkčnosti webových stránek.
Tyto položky se používají k poskytování reklamy, která je pro vás a vaše zájmy relevantnější. Mohou být také použity k omezení počtu zobrazení reklamy a měření účinnosti reklamních kampaní.
Tyto položky umožňují webové stránce zapamatovat si vaše volby a poskytovat vylepšené, osobnější funkce. Například, webová stránka vám může poskytnout kontakt na místního obchodního ředitele relevantního pro vaši oblast tím, že uloží údaje o vaší aktuální poloze.
Tyto položky pomáhají provozovateli webových stránek pochopit, jak si jeho webové stránky vedou, jak návštěvníci interagují s webem, a zda se mohou vyskytnout technické problémy.
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Cleevio's Take on Creating Meaningful Client Relationships

March 16, 2023
Company News

Building a successful business partnership with your clients is essential in today’s competitive business environment. We believe it is necessary to create stable and lasting relationships with our clients that go beyond just sales. Here are some essentials we see as crucial in building business partnerships with our clients that go far beyond sales.

Listen and Understand

Listening to our clients and understanding their needs is fundamental to forming a successful business partnership. As well as asking questions and being open to learning more about their business, challenges and goals. This not only helps in future business, as our insight is already deeper but also creates a lasting bond.

Personality Matters

Take the time to get to know your clients on a personal level. Ask questions not only about their business goals and objectives but hobbies, interests and families as well. And really listen to their answers, as you never know who likes drone racing or goes to the same gym as you. This helps us develop a deeper understanding of our client’s needs and creates strong relationships.

Offer Extra Value

Once we have a better understanding of our client’s needs, it is time to start offering them tailored solutions to help them meet their goals. We believe in providing services that go beyond what our clients are expecting. Showing that we’re willing to go above and beyond helps us stand out from the competition and create a strong bond between us and our clients.

Build Trust

Trust is key to any successful business partnership. We are honest and open with our clients and make sure to deliver on our promises. This helps us build two-sided relationships with our clients, allowing us to communicate openly and freely.

Value Input

We facilitate product feedback through various channels i.e. data analytics or user feedback during live sessions. We sit down with our clients, go through relevant data, then combine it with the client's domain expertise and at the end, plan together what to build next.

By following these practices, we were able to build successful business partnerships with our clients that go far beyond sales and help us grow.

If you are interested in discovering how we approach our business partners, do not hesitate to get in touch.

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