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Innovating for Change: Prague AI Hackathon Recap

April 25, 2023
Company News

As a company committed to innovation and creativity, we were thrilled to co-host our first-ever hackathon last weekend. Over the course of the event, we witnessed incredible teamwork, problem-solving, and out-of-the-box thinking, as participants worked tirelessly to bring their ideas to life. We were blown away by the talent and passion of all those involved and are excited to share some of the highlights from this unforgettable weekend.

Developers talking in sunny Cleevio office before hackaton start
Photo by @brabcak

The Ultimate Goal

At the Prague AI Hackathon, we focused on creating a collaborative and engaging environment by prioritizing social impact, participants' education, and networking. We aimed to explore the potential of AI models and how to apply them to real-world problems.

Through teamwork and innovation, participants pushed beyond their limits and developed creative solutions to the challenges presented.

We sought to not only push the limits of AI models but also to create an impact on society. The participants' innovative solutions had the potential to make a real difference in people's lives.

See for yourself!

A group photo in the kitchen after the hackathon ended
Photo by @brabcak

Presenting the Winners: Worwio

The winning solution at the Prague AI Hackathon was a tool that utilized deep learning models to create an audio track for a video in the selected tool. By employing advanced signal processing techniques and leveraging the power of AI, the tool automatically generates high-quality audio in a chosen language that is perfectly synchronized with the original video.

The tool's intelligent algorithms were able to analyze the video's content and generate a suitable translated audio track based on the context, resulting in a seamless and immersive viewing experience for the end users.

The winning Worwio team receives their prizes
Photo by @brabcak


We believe the Prague AI Hackathon was a successful event that focused on creating an environment of innovation and creativity by prioritizing social impact, education, and networking. The participants worked tirelessly to develop creative solutions to real-world problems using AI models and showcased the potential of AI models and how to use them to create a positive impact on society.

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3D representation of discovery track, glass cubes and a metal arrow that spins around them.
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