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Tyto položky jsou vyžadovány pro umožnění základní funkčnosti webových stránek.
Tyto položky se používají k poskytování reklamy, která je pro vás a vaše zájmy relevantnější. Mohou být také použity k omezení počtu zobrazení reklamy a měření účinnosti reklamních kampaní.
Tyto položky umožňují webové stránce zapamatovat si vaše volby a poskytovat vylepšené, osobnější funkce. Například, webová stránka vám může poskytnout kontakt na místního obchodního ředitele relevantního pro vaši oblast tím, že uloží údaje o vaší aktuální poloze.
Tyto položky pomáhají provozovateli webových stránek pochopit, jak si jeho webové stránky vedou, jak návštěvníci interagují s webem, a zda se mohou vyskytnout technické problémy.
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Combatting Loneliness with AI Companions

Trustpilot score of 4.8, 1800 reviews.

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FutureMatch is your AI-powered antidote to loneliness—a cutting-edge app designed to bring consistent companionship, heartfelt emotional support, and a genuine sense of connection to those navigating isolation.


The Need

FutureMatch addresses the rising challenge of loneliness and its emotional toll, offering a solution that delivers instant, accessible companionship.

With its emotionally intelligent AI, the app enables users to engage in meaningful, empathetic conversations anytime they feel alone, providing comfort and support during life’s most challenging moments.


The Challenge

One of the key challenges with developing Future Match was creating AI companions that could effectively emulate a human-like behaviour while being able to engage in meaningful, emotionally intelligent conversations.

It also posed difficulties in ensuring that the app was personalized enough to meet users’ unique emotional needs, while also providing a sense of security and privacy for sensitive interactions.


The Cleevio Solution

The FutureMatch app focuses on offering an emotionally intelligent, reliable AI companion capable of providing users with meaningful interactions and support. The app is designed to help combat loneliness by creating a virtual friend who can listen, respond, and engage in meaningful, personalized conversations.

One of the key features of the app is its ability to understand and react to the user's emotions in real-time, providing tailored responses that create a comforting and supportive environment. The AI companion engages in chats that mimic the feel of having a trusted friend, making it easy for users to express themselves without judgment.

Another important feature of FutureMatch is its accessibility and ease of use. The app is available to users at any time, ensuring that help is always within reach, no matter where or when the user feels lonely or in need of support. This constant availability offers users emotional relief and the ability to have ongoing conversations with their AI companion.

Additionally, the app emphasizes privacy and safety, ensuring all user data and interactions remain secure while also incorporating features to detect and address potentially harmful behaviors. This includes AI safeguards designed to provide supportive responses and direct users to appropriate resources if they express feelings of distress or self-harm.

The FutureMatch provides a seamless experience by offering an intuitive interface and ensuring the AI remains sensitive to user needs, all while creating a meaningful connection to help combat loneliness.