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Buy-and-Sell Platform for Used Cars

Trustpilot score of 4.8, 1800 reviews.

Driverama wants to make selling and buying used cars a clean, transparent, fair process that can be done in less than an hour. Haggle-free and Hassle-free.

Driverama in the Numbers

Trustpilot Score
Visitors Since Launch


Driverama, part of Aures Holding, is a data-driven e-commerce platform for buying pre-owned cars in Western Europe with a mission to make selling and buying used cars a clean, transparent, fair process completed in less than an hour.


The Need

The Driverama's primary objective included a significant reduction in the time spent on the car-buying process, traditionally involving 3-5 individuals and lasting about 3 hours. Their goal was to streamline the process to just 45 minutes with the involvement of a single worker. The entire car-buying procedure, including contract generation and risk management, was to be digitized and automated for enhanced efficiency.


The Challenge

As part of the MVP development, there was a specific focus on auto-generating car pricing estimates. A user-friendly process to generate a price range estimate based on simple user input describing the car's condition. This streamlined approach allowed users to receive an online car estimate price within minutes. Users could then book a slot for a personal meeting and in-depth car inspection to finalize the offer.

Additionally, we started the challenging effort of creating and building a process for purchasing an automobile from the convenience of your home. Buy a car entirely online in a matter of minutes.


The Cleevio Solution

We’ve conducted a series of workshops to dig precious industry knowledge out of our business partners. With all the knowledge gathered, we have put together a value proposition and designed business processes and IT infrastructure.

Before development, we started with the design of full-featured UI/UX prototypes. User testing of those prototypes allowed us to rapidly iterate on the design to deliver results that future users strive for.

After nine months of dedicated effort, we successfully launched the MVP in Germany! This milestone marks the beginning of Driverama's journey in building its inventory of cars, gearing up for the upcoming car-selling phase - and simultaneously embarking on the journey of building the brand Driverama introduces Semir Gerkhan as the iconic face of the brand.

To ensure a top-notch omni-channel experience, Driverama launched its first branch, providing customers with the option to sell their cars in person. Recognizing that not everyone is comfortable with online car purchases, Driverama has been progressively expanding its branch network to cover nine locations across Germany.

We needed a way to digitize our car buying and selling customer journey, and Cleevio had the answer. They delivered an amazing ecosystem with internal and customer-facing apps, as well as third-party integrations. It helped us reduce costs, streamline data flow, semi-automate customer acquisition and increase leasing penetration. Working with Cleevio as a partner was a great decision - their expertise and commitment were critical.

Stanislav Galik

Chairman of the Board, Driverama